Workshops and Webinars

We are available for workshops and webinars, and to facilitate a multi-part wellness course.  Each of these provide reinforcement for the topics and behavior change we write about in My Heart Is Healing:  Power of the Mind.

Much of our work is virtual and we can participate in your virtual events, conferences, and programs.

Topics include:
  • Our Personal Journey (from symptoms to ICU, to limiting daily sodium to 1,500 mg., to lifestyle changes and how they were accomplished)
  • Power of the Mind Skills
  • The Sodium Story (figuring out the sodium and food puzzle)
  • Tracking results (to build new habits)
  • Goal Setting, Knowing Your “Why,” and Resetting Goals
My Heart is Healing: Wellness Education

Participants (patients and caregivers) attend facilitated sessions using My Heart Is Healing: Power of the Mind as their participant materials.  Facilitators “teach into the book.”  Participants are involved in group discussions and completing personal exercises.  We combine teaching new information, self-discovery, and participants applying what they are learning.  This experience is highly engaging, involving, and real-world.

We would be happy to give a demo to organizational representatives.

About our Experience and Credentials

Although we are not trained in medicine or nutrition, we have been recognized by our medical team as developing and applying methods that have been successful for us to build new habits for heart health.  We welcome opportunities to work with other medical professionals and nutrition experts to help patients and caregivers be successful after a crisis, and for prevention programs.