About The Authors
On September 12, 2021, I began a journey with my wife Ruth Ann that we had not planned. It was one of those life experiences we would never have guessed would happen to me, and that could have taken my life. I was diagnosed with heart failure, atrial fibrillation, and ventricular tachycardia. I was in ICU for thirteen days.
After a period of being totally clueless to what was going on, I made a decision to take responsibility. Up until that point, my wife was “doing it all.” I began to make cognitive and behavioral changes (new habits). Now,two years later my heart is doing very well. We are definitely grateful.
We received encouragement from our cardiac nurse and cardiac doctor to write a book that would help others. We wrote from two perspectives: the heart patient and the caregiver.
Our book shares a success path that all heart patients and caregivers can follow to create healthy changes in their lives. My Heart is Healing: Power of the Mind has earned praise from heart care medical practitioners, current and former heart patients, and healthcare professionals.
We are fortunate to be working with a large healthcare provider wants us involved with their members because it reinforces their Mind-Body-Spirit approach. Also, a Heart Failure Prevention Program within a medical center has expressed strong interest in the book and the workshop we developed.
We are proud, humble, and grateful.
Henry and Ruth Ann