Packed With Tools For A Successful Recovery

Our book is the story of Henry’s successful cardiac recovery and how he achieved well-being by using “Power of the Mind” techniques to build new habits and enjoy low-sodium eating. Over time, he increased his ability and motivation to take on more responsibility for his recovery and well-being. Up until that point, his wife (caregiver) “did it all.” The book is written in the style of friends having a talk, which allows them to communicate their agreements and different points of view.

We have been told the book is unique because it tells our story from two points of view … learning, adjusting, doing new things, developing new habits, making conscious decisions on a daily basis, and building resiliency, all while getting healthy and maintaining a marriage relationship. And yes, there were struggles to overcome! We are doing what the doctors and nurses have told us to do and it has certainly paid off in recovery and good health.

We are very thankful to our cardiac teams, the hospital, today’s science and technology, and family and friends.


      • Save lives and improve the well-being of heart patients and caregivers.

      • Expand and transform cardiac care education.

      • Help cardiac patients and caregivers apply their knowledge so they make behavior and lifestyle changes.

      • Reduce healthcare costs.

My Heart is Healing: Power of the Mind
  • Heart Failure Management

  • Heart Failure Prevention

  • Cardiac Rehabilitation

  • Cardiac Risk-Factor Reduction

  • Lifestyle Optimization

  • Diet and Nutrition Counseling

  • Emotional Support

  • Heart Disease Prevention

Dr. Fields – one of Henry’s doctors

”The positive affirmations are probably why you were able to leave the hospital when you did. Too many people who go to the hospital go into a downward spiral with their negative thoughts.  It’s good you used the affirmations and visualizations.  I am a scientist and I know the mind controls the physiology.”